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Water supply in a private house. Water supply of a country house. What you need for your own well

Water supply in a country house, the main of three whales for comfortable living conditions in your home.

Pure water is the key to your health and high-quality water consumption. From ancient times people used water from streams, rivers and wells, both for drinking and for technical purposes. With the development of technology, we have learned how to use all sources of water efficiently and conveniently, at minimal cost.

In certain circumstances, a double-acting drum is very important; for example, when there is a limited supply of pure spring water, but in too small a quantity for continuous operation of the plunger. Under these conditions, any other low-quality water supply from a pond, lake or mine, properly located, can be used to operate the plunger, its location and connections, so that nothing but clean water will be pumped. This machine has a relatively recent origin and is very efficient.

In the private water supply (and not only), wells are currently used, and. A well is a storage tank for ground water. Sand well - a compact well on a sand lens. And an artesian well, water located in a fractured limestone with caverns, is the best source in terms of quality and technical indicators.

One of the main features of the stove 51 is the work associated with the tank. The collection and storage of rainwater is very necessary as a means of ensuring the supply of soft water when natural water supply is difficult. In such conditions, it is sometimes necessary to use rainwater for drinking purposes.

What work is done when organizing the turnkey supply of a private house?

Storage of drinking water in tanks and tanks is impractical if more efficient methods can be used, but sometimes it is necessary, and in this case too much attention is not paid to ensuring the best conditions. To put water coming from the roof in proper condition for drinking purposes, it must be filtered.

Installation of a water supply system

Water supply from an artesian well includes the following works:

Wellhead construction with a caisson.

Caisson is a metal well that allows you to use the well year-round, namely, to install the pump and tie the fittings at a depth below freezing.

If rainwater could be stored without any impurities, it would be the cleanest water supply that could be obtained, but when it falls on the roof, it not only carries with it things like twigs, pieces of oil shale, etc. But also things that are much worse, such as decaying plant matter, poultry manure and dust and dirt, which contain all kinds of impurities.

These things not only make the water unclean, but also devalue it to some extent and make it cause unpleasant odors. Thus, it will be seen that before pumping from the tank into the tank for the house, the water must be purified, and filtration is the easiest and most practical way to do the job. There are many forms of tank filters.

Our company is a stable and large counterparty in the market of engineering services, so we have the ability to produce caissons for wells ourselves. Over a long experience (over 15 years), we have selected the most optimal design of the caisson, for any soil with a structure that is as rigid as possible to mechanical stresses. It has an excellent thermal protection system and a wide possibility of switching with external connections, including the option of a summer column, for irrigation and street water analysis.

A simple filter form can be constructed as follows. For a filter chamber, which should be brick, only a small part of the tank is required, extending from the wall about two feet into the tank. It’s almost a brick box, built from the bottom of the tank for about two or three feet, the top of the box is also lined. The bottom of this brick box should have a thick coating of gravel or broken stone and charcoal. Narrow openings should be located at the bottom of the brick box at different points around it so that the water in the tank passes through the filter, and coarse wire cloth should be used in these openings to prevent gravel and charcoal from developing.

Installation of the pump: the pump is mounted together with the water supply pipe with a cable and cable to the well and suspended in a caisson by the head.

Tying in the caisson. If the well is just for irrigation, then a column with one 1/2 "drain tap for draining for the winter and an electric plug to turn on the pump suspended in the neck of the caisson is simply tied up. If for automatic water supply, each connection with a 1” working tap and 1 crane / 2 "to drain. These are connections to the house, to the bathhouse and to the watering column.

When to do all this and in which sequence?

The top surface of the filter media should also be protected in the same way. The brick box should not be covered with any coating to make it waterproof. The suction pipe of the pump should end inside the filter chamber, holding firmly over the filter material. The cistern water will be filtered through the filter material, as well as through the bricks in the filter chamber, and when pumped from the latter into the tank for the house will be fully suitable for drinking. Porous stone and brick, by the way, make excellent filter materials because they are filled with small air spaces, which is a necessary feature in any material that should be used for filtration.

Watering column: in a caisson it is tied up as a connection with a working and drain tap. Outside, it has a tap for irrigation hoses with a fitting along the ground (to prevent hose wrinkling) and a water tap with a spout 50 cm higher for collecting water in a bucket and other containers.

Installation of a water supply system

After use for two or three years, the filter chamber must be torn out, the filter material has been updated and the bricks thoroughly cleaned before reuse or new, which would be better since the pores of the bricks would become more or less filled during this period of time. If old bricks are used again, it will be a good plan to bake them, thereby destroying any impurities that may exist in them.

Although the described filtration scheme is effective and satisfactory, it is an excellent idea to work in such a way as to prevent, as far as possible, the entry of contaminants into the tank in the first place, as well as to filter the water in some way described method.

Line to the house (or additional building). In a trench at a depth of freezing of 1.6 m. A water supply pipe is laid. Moreover, in the building where the automation will be located and the pump will be powered, a cable is laid with the pipe there. Entrance to the basement is carried out simply by passage through a wall with waterproofing (as agreed with the customer or contractor) Entrance to the building without basements is carried out by means of warming with a heating cable.

For retention, the type of trap can be used, for example, shown on plate 51, three or four feet in each of three sizes or with a diameter of three or four feet and about the same depth, if it is built in a cylindrical form from the tank, most of the coarser substances and, thus prevents clogging of the tank filter so quickly.

This trap can be built against the tank or separately from it, its upper part reaches the surface of the earth and is equipped with a removable lid. A cast-iron grate should cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe catch basin and be securely installed a few inches from its lower part. Above the grate and reaching almost to the upper part of the gorge, gravel or broken stone must be filled, and from the upper part of this material, an outlet of the same size as the conductive pipe is fed into the tank.

Equipment in the house. In the house for the convenience of operation and maintenance is located the automation of the water supply system (except when it is necessary to have it in a caisson under those conditions).

Automation includes a hydraulic accumulator (for accumulating water under pressure), a pressure switch (for controlling the operation of the pump) and a control pressure gauge (for indicating the water pressure in the system). There are also compact automation units with a small hydraulic accumulator (for smoothing water hammers when starting and turning off the pump ), an analog pressure sensor and built-in pump (or remote frequency converter).

The conductive pipe from the roof is transported to the capture tank to a point below the iron grate. Therefore, in order to get to the tank, all rainwater must pass through a broken stone or gravel, which is easily renewed when necessary. It should be borne in mind that this trap should only be used as an aid to the tank filter.

Another very nice and simple form of tank filter can be designed as shown on the plate. In the center of the tank several lengths of porous porous tiles must be firmly connected, and the lower part is cemented to the bottom of the tank. The tile must be completely filled with broken stone and charcoal, and the suction pipe of the pump connected to the top. In the bottom of the tile, the holes should be drilled through it in sufficient quantities so that water can pass into the filter material.

The coarse filter is placed after the automation or at the entrance to the connected building. It serves to protect the water consumption system from small mechanical impurities coming from the well.

Cranes for strapping. For each connection in the caisson (house, bathhouse, column), two taps are required: one, one inch in size, is a worker, and one half-inch in size is a drain. In addition, on the outside of the column there is one tap with a size of one inch for hoses and one tap with a spout for disassembling water. And also on the strapping of automation and access to the system 3 more cranes the size of one inch. If water treatment is planned in the future, then there are 3 more taps with a size of one inch for a bypass unit for connecting chemical water treatment.

The tank is also filtered through a tile. The connection of the suction pipe in the filter must be made in such a way that it cannot break the tiles or cement joints and, thus, destroy its effectiveness, allowing it to pump out unfiltered water.

Water start point

If desired, the same filter can be laid on the bottom of the tank, and the filter holes at the end opposite the suction pipe. On stove 51, filtered water from the tank is pumped into the attic storage tank, and overflow from the latter reaches the tank. Air flows from the tank to the surface of the earth.

Water supply private arrangement of sand wells for water

For garden houses (and not only) where a source of water with a small investment is required, for irrigation and domestic purposes. The advantages of such a well include simplicity of design, speed of production (1 day), affordable price, since the depth does not exceed 30 meters. The disadvantages include the intermittent success of drilling such wells for geological reasons and low productivity, about 500 liters of water per hour. Such wells, as a rule, are equipped with vibrational pumps such as "Kid", "Trickle", which are sufficient for watering the beds and a set of water in the tank. When using centrifugal pumps, it should be remembered that their performance in most models is over 1000 liters of water per hour, which is detrimental to the well’s performance.

It is always necessary to ensure an uninterrupted supply of water, and the use of a double-acting drum together with the use of rainwater is a means to this. If it is desired to use tank water in the pump, a tap for this purpose may be attached to it at the bottom of the air chamber.

Water supply private arrangement of sand wells for water

When using rainwater storage tanks, it is better to use tin sheet copper for lining than sheets, since rainwater often attacks lead. It is a fact that pure water will attack metals more often than water containing a large amount of impurities.

In the absence of alternatives (the impossibility of producing a well or a deep well), our company offers autonomous water supply   and from such a well for year-round operation.

Arrangement of water wells

Such an ancient source of water as a well still has relevance. In some areas, aquifer limestone is located at a considerable depth - over 100 meters, in connection with which, the cost of a well increases significantly. Therefore, it is necessary to use groundwater close in occurrence. The well, like the well, is equipped with a centrifugal pump, with float protection. The rest of the equipment is similar to the downhole equipment, from the pump a pipe with a cable is brought into the house and, after the automation unit, pressurized water is supplied to the house.

How to equip a water supply system?

So, how to get a continuous and regular water supply in a country house? This question will be answered by our experts, who will correctly calculate and prepare a project for the delivery and discharge of water in your home. The designer must make a complete technical calculation of water supply and sanitation, because it is quite difficult to do it yourself. Of course, it will require basic knowledge about power, water pressure, pump performance, but an expert will help to cope with all the necessary elements that will be needed during installation, and help to choose them correctly.

Arrangement and improvement of a centralized water supply system

The central water supply in suburban areas does not always allow comfortable use of water, there are problems with pressure and flow rate. In such a situation, it is best to upgrade the intake unit with an additional pump or a buffer tank with an additional pump. The buffer tank allows you to provide a given flow rate for the number of mixers in the house, due to the fact that the pump can pump water out of it at full speed.

The general water supply system of a country house consists of. A water source, a water pump that brings water to the surface and gives the house, a pipeline for water supply, a distribution manifold that will separate the supply of cold and hot water, heating element, filters for water purification, as well as additional equipment for connecting indispensable household assistants in the form of washing and dishwashers. In order for the water supply system to work efficiently and smoothly, it is important to choose a pump.

Let's find out what their types are, and which one is better for a country house. Water pumps can be - external and deep-sea pump. Based on the name, it becomes clear that one of them is immersed in water, the others are installed outside. Models for deep-water pumps are designed for sections and wells. The difference lies in the power of water supply, which is important in the case of a deep gap. Their shape is oval, in the form of a cylinder, for ease of use of the unit. External pumps have different shapes, essentially not the same as such pump models used on surface water sources.

Water supply of a country house is a task consisting of at least three stages. And with a broader consideration of this issue - from five stages, which it is advisable to consider in a complex, that is, systemically. Accordingly, the cost of the final product is the sum of investments in each stage.

Stage 1 - Drilling

This step is described in detail in the section “Drilling on water”.

The advantages of organizing water supply for a country house from the company "Water Resources"

And here you need to remember that if you have a large house with several floors, then only deep-sea pumps can give good water pressure. It is important that it is of good quality, reliable and has a stainless steel working ring. To ensure a single operation of the water supply system during installation, it is recommended to use an automatic home pumping station. In addition to the pump, it contains a battery and an automation unit. These elements will help the system in operation and in case of any breakdown within 3-4 hours to smoothly receive water.

Stage 2 - Well construction

  • Development of a pit 2 meters deep above the well
  • Mounting a caisson or downhole adapter
  • Installation of a tight head

Stage 3 - Installation of the pump and automation

  • Installation of a well pump
  • Laying the pipeline from the caisson to the house
  • Installation of pump control automation

It is better to choose such pumping stations from cast iron or stainless steel, but not from plastic. Sewer pipelines also play an important role in the water supply system of a country house. These are mainly reinforced plastic pipes. They are lightweight, easy to install and last up to 50 years. For internal applications, experts recommend cross-linked polyethylene pipes. The main thing is to install the installation correctly so as not to disturb the aesthetics in the bathrooms. But such pipes can only be used indoors, for the outside of the water supply of a country house they are ineffective.

The caisson provides a constant positive temperature in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wellhead due to deepening below the freezing depth. The tightness of the structure protects the well from external pollution. A sealed head provides additional protection against possible contamination of the well and the entire aquifer as a whole. The ecological purity of artesian aquifers directly depends on the conscientiousness of these works.

We do not practice the use of wells made of concrete rings for these purposes, since there is no reliable solution to the problem of sealing such a structure.

For all-weather use of the water supply system of a country house, including the winter period, the pipeline from the well to the house must also be laid below the freezing depth. For these purposes, trenches 1.6 meters deep are quite enough.

A borehole pump and automatic equipment provide water supply to the house similarly to a city water supply, when a regulated flow of water comes from a tap.

Economy Standard Premium


Number of simultaneously opened cranes

Well pump

Belamos (Belarus), 1 year warranty

Belamos (Belarus), 2 year warranty

Grundfos (Germany), 2 year warranty


Waterproofed, insulated

The earthwork, which does not require skilled labor, is performed by the Customer by the forces of his workers according to our schemes.

It should be emphasized that the presented systematization of information is conditional. In a broader understanding of water supply issues, one should take into account the need in most cases to use water filtration systems so that drinking water is harmless to the health and engineering systems at the outlet.

Waste water disposal or autonomous sewage is also an important task that must be addressed. Each of these questions has a separate section of our site. And you need to solve all these problems systematically, since they are interdependent.

When to do all this and in which sequence?

  • In terms of season:   all work is possible to carry out all year round. Remember that queues are possible in summer!
  • In terms of work sequence:   drilling, construction, installation of water-lifting equipment and laying of communications in the house, sewage, filters (water treatment system).

It must be remembered that to perform work on the device of water supply of a country house, electricity is needed. Therefore, the development of the site begin with electrification.