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What will happen if a rotten egg. Unique ways to check eggs for freshness

Checking the freshness of eggs at home is easy. To do this, just pour about ten centimeters into the cold water tank. Dip the eggs in the bowl for a minute.

Bad, spoiled, rotten eggs in the water will pop up immediately. This is due to a violation of the density inside the shells of raw eggs.

A similar thing can occur if the storage conditions are violated: non-compliance with the temperature regime, the assumption of a sharp temperature difference.

Eggs that have surfaced, but only the tip is visible from the water, may still be quite suitable for food, but they must be used first of all others.

They tend to accumulate air between the shell and the outer shell of the protein. This is a necessary condition for gas exchange.

The layer, like a lock, saturates the egg with the necessary oxygen for further development, and releases accumulated gases through the shell, including methane. That is why such a smell goes out and drains.

Fresh remain to lie at the bottom. The amount of oxygen in them is minimal, they were demolished recently.

note! A fresh egg always remains at the bottom. Spoiled floats to the surface.

The freshness of raw eggs in the store is almost impossible to verify. It is important to monitor the integrity of the shell.

Bacteria that spoil the egg can get through the cracks.. After which it will become unfit for human consumption.

How to check a boiled egg for freshness

If the egg has already been boiled, then you can check it by cleaning:

  1. Good young hard to clean. The shell is very tightly attached to the shell, and part of the cooked protein leaves together when peeled.
  2. If it is not the freshest, it will be cleaned very easily. She literally moves away from the protein along with the shell.
  3. If the egg is already rotten, a sharp unpleasant odor will immediately appear during cleaning.which is impossible to confuse.

Important! Fresh boiled egg is difficult to peel. And which has been stored for some time, easy to clean. An egg that has deteriorated has a sharp unpleasant odor after cleaning.

Shoppers try to pick first category or selected eggs because they are larger. In terms of their benefits, this is not entirely true.

After all, the largest carry old chickens that are already becoming obsolete. Young animals carry eggs more and more often, but they are noticeably smaller.

Eggs of young chickens are more healthy: they have more calcium, magnesium, protein and other beneficial trace elements.

While large eggs of old laying hens contain more cholesterol, which is the main cause in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and also leads to obesity.

Small eggs of the second and third categories are much cheaper.

When choosing eggs in the store, please note:

  1. The surface of the shell should be smooth and without cracks.
  2. Choose eggs of young chickens - they are more useful.
  3. Arriving home, use a glass of water to determine their freshness.

How to check the freshness of quail and other eggs?

Goose, duck, quail, chicken eggs have a limited shelf life, which largely depends on the temperature regime.

Check freshness quail eggs  possible with water. And also, considering the surface of the shell - it should be even, smooth, without flaws and cracks.

The freshness of eggs depends entirely on the shelf life that must be observed. If they were stored in stores for too long, then they are sold at a low price.

They may not be rotten or spoiled, but they already clearly have a completely different structure.

The processes that occur in the egg do not stop, but only slow down when they are placed in the cold.

Variety Storage temperature Shelf life
Raw chicken Room temperature In fridge
Up to 14 days 30 days
Boiled chicken Room temperature In fridge
Day Up to 5 days
Ostrich Room temperature In fridge
5 days 17 days
Goose Room temperature In fridge
10 days 15 days
Quail Room temperature In fridge
Up to three weeks Up to 60 days
Duck Room temperature In fridge
7 days Two to three weeks
Turkey Room temperature In fridge
5 days Up to two weeks

Waterfowl eggs are rarely used for food. More often they are left to reproduce numbers.

Shelf life is determined by the storage conditions of the product. The cooler and wetter the environment - the longer the eggs retain freshness.

Be sure to cover with a damp cloth or close the lid tightly. Opened eggs dry quickly. The yolk in this form can be stored in the refrigerator for one to two days. Protein - up to four to five days.

We check the egg quality with an ovoscope

An ovoscope is a device that has been used since ancient times and is used to this day to check the quality of eggs. This simple device is a flashlight with a directed beam of light.

You can check the eggs with an ovoscope at home. It is easy to make at home:

  • To do this, you need a regular flashlight or lamp.
  • Place the flashlight in a light-tight box so that the light comes out from above.
  • At the top of the box you need to make a hole that will be smaller than the size of the egg.
  • Put the egg itself on this hole and carefully examine it.

A good quality young egg has a smooth surface and even color without spots and flaws.. Inside the egg, in which storage conditions were violated, sometimes you can even see how the chicken begins.

This is noticeable by bloody clots inside the shell and specific outlines. A rotten egg when viewed through an ovoscope will have an unpleasant cloudy tint.

Important! To keep the eggs fresh longer, they do not need to be washed before storage, so as not to violate the protective layer of the shell.

Useful video

Returning from wanderings to the shops, the modern man, of course, goes straight to the refrigerator. It’s true where else to store chicken eggs! You can put a fragile purchase into storage not only in special compartments that are located on the doors. Also suitable for storage is another secluded place, for example, boxes for vegetables.

But the best option for a long stay of this indispensable product is the first shelf from the freezer. Here, in store packaging or plastic containers, the diet gifts of layers can lie for up to three to four months. But the temperature should not exceed 1-2 degrees of heat.

Our traditional tip for respected pedants is to not put the tray in the freezer. Eggs do not like frost! Do not wash them also, so as not to damage their protective shell.

But usually there is no need for such a long stay of a product beloved by many - two or three weeks is enough. In this case, the temperature can be higher, up to 10 degrees Celsius. That is, the refrigerator door will do.

Make sure that the eggs are far away from products that emit a strong odor. The shell seems to be a reliable barrier to their contents only at first glance. In fact, it has a porous structure and perfectly skips aromas. You don’t want to feed your guests scrambled eggs with the smell of smoked fish or raw meat!

If you have your own house, and the product bill goes to tens, or even hundreds, then they can safely spend 4-5 months in a cool room. But the temperature must be observed strictly within no more than 10 degrees of heat. No small role is played by air humidity. It is believed that to comply with the specified shelf life, humidity should be in the range of 60-80%.

Folk Tricks

Over the centuries of breeding chickens, many tricks have accumulated among the people, with the help of which the shelf life of freshly laid eggs can be increased. They are available to everyone and involve a kind of conservation of this strategic stock. Then the safety of the product increases to 6 months.

So, it will help to increase the shelf life:

  • greasing the shell with fat, such as pork, petroleum jelly or vegetable oil;
  • wrapping with paper, folding in a box with sharp ends down, covering with burlap;
  • generous, with great distances, pouring in a box dry and clean with sand, salt, ash, oats, millet.

Important! In all these cases, the product should be in a dry and very cool (remember a maximum of +10 degrees) room.

How to find out egg freshness?

After you put your purchase in the fridge, doubts began to prevail over you - are there fresh layers? A couple of them are so ugly ... Don’t suffer! You can check the suitability of eggs at home. We will tell you about them now.

Dipped in water

The first and perhaps the most famous way to test the suitability is by immersing the eggs in water.

  1. Prepare a half liter jar of water in which, for the accuracy of the experiment, you can dissolve a tablespoon of kitchen salt.
  2. Remove the tray from the refrigerator and in turn lower the whole egg in the shell into a jar.
  3. If they immediately fall to the bottom and do not try to rise, calm down: you really got fresh ones. Such products are no more than a week old.

How to do it right, watch the video from the ShowSteps channel.

Everything is in order with freshness as well, if some strive to slightly raise their dull end - the one with an air cushion. This means that the chicken took them 7-10 days ago. However, if some manage to float to the surface of the water, you are not in vain worried about their freshness. These, indeed, expire, and they are already 13-17 days old.

But when one of the eggs pops out of the water with a blunt end, know: it has been in this world for three or four weeks. If in doubt, we are opening you another secret way to additionally test the validity of eggs that like to float on the surface of the water, lifting the blunt end. Pour in a jar of water, already without salt, and dip doubtful eggs there. Still pop up? Then grit your teeth and throw them into the bin: the times of their freshness are long gone.

Inspection and odor check

In order not to be upset at home after checking the eggs, you can determine their freshness in the store. To do this, you need to consider the shell of the party you like well. If it is dull and seems a little rough, the eggs are very fresh. Options with a shiny and smooth shell - more than a week. Be careful! Sellers sometimes mix fresh specimens with "older" ones, and then it’s difficult to determine their age by eye!

There, in the store, you can smell the goods. In fresh ones you will hear a pleasant “chicken” aroma, in old ones - rotten, musty or even stink. We hope you do not buy such.


In such cases, grab the suspicious specimen tightly in your hand and shake it! If something dangles inside, then its freshness is only on paper. Look better for another tray! A fresh product must have uniform contents inside.

Content Check

The next method is to check the suitability of eggs at home. We put on the table a couple of plates and break them into suspicious copies. If the yolk immediately bursts, large bloody lumps are noticeable in it or the squirrel spreads along the bottom of a thin, uniform puddle, you knowingly suspected it.

A firm, elastic yolk that remains intact on a plate will tell about the freshness of the product. The protein of such a product has two layers - denser and thinner. And, of course, it gives off a pleasant smell that an experienced housewife will not confuse with anything. Protein fresh eggs  should be transparent without any interspersion.

Clearance test

The fifth way to determine freshness is to look at the egg in the light. If it is fresh, you will not see dark inclusions in it, it is transparent. The bad has dimming. Our esteemed pedants, we recommend that you check with an ultraviolet lamp. Fresh eggs will please with bright red color, "chahliki" will turn purple.


This method is well known to experienced housewives. Boil the eggs and begin to clean them. Fresh ones are difficult to clean, but it is very easy to remove from stale shells because it is very easy, or you have to remove them in small pieces.

After checking the freshness of the eggs brought from the store, boldly prepare your favorite dishes from them. Do not forget only that you can store them in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Bon Appetit!

A living organism needs proper nutrition. Useful microelements and vitamins we get from products. Each of them definitely affects the state of health.

Scientists conducted an experiment and found that food was like organs. This fact is easy to verify. If you cut the carrots across, we will see the eye. Walnut is the brain. Tomato is the heart. But the most useful product is a chicken egg. It resembles human cells and benefits the entire body. As you know, the testicle is a building material and a natural source of pure protein.

Historical facts

It is believed that chicken is a wild bird that previously lived in India and Asia.

Domestication of birds for initial purposes did not imply breeding for food.

People were attracted by the fighting behavior of cocks. They knew how to fly through trees for short distances and nested in earthen plots. Domestic breeds have no flying skills. Chicken is the first bird to accept an invitation to live with people. After years of development and breeding, new species of birds appeared.

Wild brood hens carried up to 15 eggs per year. When the chickens took root at home, this amount increased, and people first used them for food. In ancient Rome, a delicacy was served for breakfast.

With the advent of the Christian religion, paints and Easter eggs were handed to each other on Holy Easter.

Eggs are considered a source of strength, energy, resurrection, and life. They are used by magicians and sorcerers in rituals. Healers remove diseases and healers.

In the 21st century, testes are freely consumed in fried and boiled form. On their basis, many recipes for salads, hot dishes and cold appetizers have appeared.

This wonderful product is used in medicine and is part of cosmetics.

Eating great benefits:

  • prevents the appearance of tumors;
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • restores bones and teeth;
  • good for vision;
  • nourishes nerve cells.

A fresh egg is included in the usual menu of army men, athletes, losing weight and pregnant women. It is recommended to eat at least one fried or boiled per day. Those who want to lose weight should use only boiled.

Nowadays, few of the townspeople are engaged in agriculture, breeding and rearing poultry. Therefore, more often eggs are bought in stores. Not the fact that the purchased product will be fresh. In order not to get food poisoning, you should know how to check the freshness of eggs.

Checking the goods in the store

First, pay attention to the product labeling. Dietary product - fresh, marked by the letter "D" in red. This means that the product is 7 days old. The blue letter “C” is a table product that is older than a week.

If marked characters are missing, read the information on the label. The product is edible for up to 25 days when stored properly.

Light in weight, possibly empty inside. Color does not affect taste. It is white, yellow and light brown. But, if the eggs are fresh, then they are dull, and if they are stale on the window, they are bright glossy. Choose contaminated goods. This is a sign of freshness. Washed eggs are a perishable product.

The shell of a quality product is solid, without cracks and other violations.

How to check eggs for freshness in water?

Such a check will take literally 2 minutes. Before eating, check the testicles for freshness at home. To do this, you need cold water and a container. A glass jar is suitable for this purpose.

We lower it into water and observe the reaction:

  • lies at the bottom - fresh;
  • floats in the middle - lying down;
  • peeks out of the water with a tip - unfit for food or rotten.

You probably already understood that the higher it rises from the bottom of the can, the worse its quality.

Also, if a boiled egg is difficult to clean, it indicates freshness. If the shell comes off easily - food 2 weeks ago.

How to check if the egg is rotten or not? Take the item in your hand and shake it slightly. Listen to the sounds coming from the inside. The rotten flounders loudly. Fresh does not make any sounds.

How to check empty or full eggs?

The empty is easy to distinguish from the full - it is light. Take in your hand and try on weight. Normal weight is from 75 to 55 grams. Except for products carried by young birds. Those are much lighter and smaller.

Check in the water. Pour cold liquid into a glass jar and lower the item. Full testicles will sink to the bottom, empty ones will rise up. This is due to the accumulated air inside.

How to check if a chicken egg is boiled?

There is no special check for readiness. We put the product in water and expect to boil. Then we count the cooking time from 4 to 10 minutes. The sooner we remove it from the water, the thinner the yolk will be. For salads, the cooking time is 10 minutes.

How to check hard boiled egg or not? For this purpose, lay it on a hard surface and twist it like a jule toy. If the rotations are frequent and intense - hard boiled. Slow means liquid or raw.

Hazardous properties and poisoning

The victims of poisoning and salmonellosis are people who use eggs in raw or undercooked form. Disease-causing bacteria live on the eggshell and sometimes inside.

Heat treatment provides 100% protection against infection. Before cooking, the testicles should be washed with antibacterial soap.

Avoid eating raw protein and yolk creams, puddings, homemade mayonnaise, smoothies.

If after eating there is abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness or diarrhea, immediately call an ambulance. Doctors will do a gastric lavage, and stop the poisoning. But it is better not to risk your health and check the quality before cooking and direct use.

Surely in every home there is such a product as eggs. Many housewives, without hesitation, take this product from store shelves, placing them in their refrigerator. But already in the cooking process, the most important question arises about how to check the freshness of eggs.


By itself, this product can be an independent dish, and can serve as an ingredient. It is this ability that makes eggs such a unique and sought-after product. They can be boiled or fried, baked in the oven as an omelet or souffle or added to the broth. Using only eggs, sugar and flour, you can bake a delicious biscuit. The variety of recipes is amazing. There are several types of eggs that a person eats, but the most common are chicken and quail.

Before cooking, a mandatory check of this product is necessary. It will not be very pleasant to eat spoiled eggs. There are several ways to check the freshness of eggs. It is worth considering in detail each of them. Only then will you choose the option that is right for you.


It is worth noting that outwardly determining how long the egg has been stored is almost impossible. How to check the freshness of quail eggs? Just like chicken, for example, by shaking.

Take an egg with two fingers and hold it to your ear. Set your hand in motion and make a few sharp swings. If you hear a characteristic clatter of the yolk on the wall of the shell, it is better to refuse to cook this product.


There is a way to check the freshness of eggs using conventional kitchen scales. If you initially know what mass the product had, then after weighing it after a certain time, you will see that it has become smaller. This occurs due to the fact that during prolonged storage, moisture exits through the porous structure of the shell and the egg becomes much lighter.


Perhaps the most popular testing method is to check the freshness of eggs in water.

In order to correctly carry out this manipulation, you will need a glass of clean water and a tablespoon of salt. Add the bulk substance to the liquid and wait for it to dissolve. After that, gently lower the product into water. If the egg sinks to the bottom, feel free to eat it. In the event that it completely rises to the surface, then it has been stored for at least a month.

With this method, you can both check the freshness of chicken eggs, and decide on quail.

Breaking up

This method is only suitable if you need to cook a broken egg. Open the shell and pour the contents onto a plate. It is desirable that it be black or dark in color. So you can better see the protein.

In a fresh egg, the protein is dense and completely surrounds the yolk, which rises beautifully and has an elastic consistency. If the inside of the egg is flimsy and viscous, you should abandon its preparation.


Another popular method for determining egg freshness is odor testing.

In order to carry out this manipulation, you need to break a raw egg and just smell it. A good unspoiled product is practically odorless. If the egg is spoiled, you will feel a sharp unpleasant odor. It’s better to just throw away such a product.

In order for the eggs to keep their freshness as long as possible, they must be stored properly. To do this, after purchase, place them in the refrigerator in a special compartment. It is worth saying that the shell quite well passes strong odors and various microbes. That is why it is worth keeping this product away from others, especially those with a strong aroma. The required temperature for finding eggs is from five to ten degrees.

When stored properly, eggs may remain edible for several months. The opened egg must be stored in the refrigerator, pour the yolk with cold water. In this state, he can remain up to two days. Protein has the ability to maintain its freshness for up to two weeks. It is worth saying that when storing broken eggs, it is necessary to separate the protein from the yolk so as not to damage the consistency of the latter. Protein pour water is not necessary.

For longer storage of opened eggs, it is recommended to freeze them. As such, they can remain edible for up to four months. Proteins are frozen separately from the yolks and placed in a plastic or glass container.


To summarize all of the above, we can conclude: how to check the freshness of eggs depends on the method of their preparation. Choose the method that is right for you.

Be sure to check the quality and freshness of this product before eating it, this will protect you from possible food poisoning.

Store the eggs correctly - and then they will remain fresh as long as possible.

All housewives strive to choose only the best products for their home. They carefully examine the vegetables so that they do not have any "hints" of rotting or nitrates, very carefully choose meat for any dish and thoroughly study the composition of a product.

Unfortunately, many do not pay attention to the freshness and shelf life of eggs. Someone never thought about it, someone trusts the manufacturer too much, and someone wants to check, but does not know how. So how do you know the freshness of eggs?

General information about storage. Shelf life

Shelf life chicken eggs  makes up twenty five days. They are equally well stored both in the refrigerator and at room temperature. An excellent means of storage is a solution of ordinary table salt. The thing is that salt can serve as a preservative. So, food in salt solution can be stored for up to four weeks. Not a bad time, is it? Few people know, but storing this product in a refrigerator on a door shelf is not the best option. Constant movement, temperature changes are not good conditions. So, they are best stored in the vegetable compartment.

How to check the freshness of eggs at home

There are several ways to check for fresh chicken eggs at home. The most famous and one of the simplest is water testing.

How to check an egg for freshness in water

This method based on the structure of the eggshell:  it is riddled with millions of tiny pores. Air passes through these pores. And the effect of the rubber ring is created, which does not allow to sink.

A method of checking for freshness is as follows. In any container (preferably transparent) you need to pour water and lower the "object" into it. If, when diving, it touches the bottom sideways, it means “perfectly” fresh, if it does not touch the bottom, but close to it, then the product can still be consumed, but it can no longer boast a special freshness, but when the “object” being checked floats to the surfacethen it’s better to throw it away. This speaks of corruption.

Auditory freshness of eggs

This is another way to test a chicken egg in which it does not need to be broken. Sometimes, sounds can say a lot more about an object than it seems at first glance. To determine the freshness, you need to bring it to your ear and shake lightly. If there are no sounds, then the product is fresh.

This unusual method is based on the laws of chemistry and physics. Over time, more and more oxygen passes through the shell, due to which it begins protein and yolk compression. Therefore, in a spoiled product, they will float freely, making sounds when shaking.

How to check a broken egg for freshness

How to check the freshness of eggs in water and by ear is already known. Now it's time to talk about how you can determine the quality of this product by its internal content.

If the room is well lit and sunlight (or a bright lamp) gets into it, then just look at the whole "object", turning it to the light source. If through the shell clearly visible yolk, located approximately in the middle, then such a product is safe for consumption.

Another easy way to determine egg freshness is to odor check. A spoiled product emits an unpleasant and fairly sharp smell of sulfur. Sometimes you can feel it without even breaking it.

Boiled eggs

Determining freshness in this case may be somewhat more difficult. There are also several ways here.

Thus, determining how fresh a product is is very simple. There are so many ways to suit every taste. The easiest and surest method  It is considered a test of eggs for freshness in water. It all depends on the position of the product being tested. The closer it is to the bottom, the fresher. Another very simple way is checking in the light. If the yolk is clearly visible and located in the middle, then the quality is good. There may be some difficulty in determining the freshness of a cooked product. The easiest way here is to determine the freshness of the smell. The spoiled product has a sharp unpleasant smell of sulfur. The shelf life of an ordinary chicken egg under normal conditions is 25 days.

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